Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We are going to try this blog thing. I am very new at this. I get a little intimidated by how cool every one else's looks. Oh well!
Our life is very good. I have beautiful children, a beautiful husband, and a beautiful home. Can't ask for much more. Luis is a high school Spanish teacher. He loves it! I stay home with our boys. Joseph is 6 and is about to end kindergarten and Mateo is 4 and does preschool at home with me.
I will try to post some pictures but you have to be patient. We just got a new computer and we have no photos stored on it yet. I will try to get some help from my sister-in-law (that's you Candy)


Jennifer Lomenick said...

Hey Merry! It is Jennifer Lomenick. How are you doing? Send me an e-mail to jlomenick@gmail.com. I would love to catch up and send you an invite to our family blog.

The Barkers said...

Merry, I'm so happy you now have a blog. I look very forward to following your family through it. It's definitely a great way to keep in touch when we can be so far away!

Kurt and Katie Rowley said...

Welcome to the blogging world! You will love it and we will love hearing about your cute family!

ma'elePHOTO said...

Hey... didn't know you had one of these til I went on Jenni's page! Cool you've joined us all in the blogging world.